Customized CRM development for tray sales customers case

The custom-developed CRM supports each store to operate independently, with operational data isolated from each other, and also meets the headquarters' requirement of centralized management of all stores.

  • Client Rongxin
  • Industry E-Commerce
  • Duration 4 Months

The client owns multiple subsidiaries, each managing multiple online store platforms.

The client is a company engaged in the production and sale of plastic pallets with an annual turnover of RMB 30 to 40 million through its online store platform. They needed a CRM solution to facilitate the company's growth.

After analyzing the client's requirements, they wanted each store to operate independently and isolate operational data from each other, while still meeting the headquarter's requirement of centralized management of all stores.

In 4 months, we developed this customized CRM for the client.

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The client owns multiple subsidiaries, each managing multiple online store platforms.

Data Kanban

Data Kanban is a multi-dimensional statistical tool that helps sales teams get a better grasp of their business and is used to provide comprehensive summary statistics of system-generated data. It includes data statistics of order information, total transaction amount, total orders, repurchase rate, customer entry rate, conversion rate, positive feedback rate, return visit rate, lost rate and other data from the previous cycle.

In addition, it also includes transaction analysis data such as single product sales ranking, category sales ranking, sales trend, new and old customer ratio, geographical distribution and terminal distribution ratio.

Data Kanban supports different time gradients (e.g. today, the last 7 days, the last 30 days), multi-platform shop platforms and different salespersons' statistical filtering, providing users with all-round data insights.

In addition, Data Kanban can better assist the sales team in their work by making announcements, designating recipients, arranging work content, and reporting work status.

Through Data Kanban, you can have a comprehensive understanding of the individual and overall business situation, providing accurate data support for follow-up work.

Data Kanban

Customer profiles

Customer profiles are a core function of the system, designed to efficiently manage customer information and follow-up records. This provides the sales team with a high-quality customer management tool to facilitate smooth workflows.

Key features include entering basic customer details, recording follow-up activities, creating quotes, and managing order information. In addition, recording essential information such as product preferences and purchase intentions helps tailor sales support by confirming the uniqueness of each customer through dual verification with mobile numbers and online chat IDs. This ensures more precise sales assistance, product recommendations, and improved customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Sales representatives can easily track quote progress, set follow-up dates, and configure reminders to avoid missing important opportunities. Customers who are not followed up as planned are automatically placed in a shared pool. Additionally, the system offers the option to proactively move customers to the shared pool when maintenance is no longer required.

Customer profiles enable sales representatives to manage customer information more efficiently, ensuring that each customer receives appropriate follow-up and attention, thus enhancing the efficiency of customer relationship management.

Customer profiles

Contracting order

The contracting order is another core function of the system, and its process includes the steps of creating a delivery note, creating a contracting order, pending collection, pending out, pending delivery, pending receipt and completed.

On the basis of generating a quotation, you can generate a contracting order, and the quotation process can be viewed in the past product transaction price and calculate the discount rate. When the discount rate is lower than 90%, you need to pass the audit before submitting.

When generating a contract, you can choose two modes: cash on delivery and delivery in arrears. Payment-to-delivery requires waiting for financial collection before delivery, while payment-in-arrears delivery allows for payment to be collected before delivery. The system provides the function of downloading quotation for confirmation with customers, and also supports the export of signing order for the statistics and summary of signing information.

In addition, salesmen can upload invoices or apply for invoicing in the quotation and order process, and cancel orders or apply for after-sales service before and after collection and shipment.

The sophistication and flexibility of the signing order process helps to improve the efficiency and accuracy of order management, providing a better trading experience for customers and business teams.

Contracting order

Finance Centre

The system provides a payment receipts and payments management function that covers payment operations such as settlement, make-up and refund.

Finance can easily summarise the list of all payments and receipts, and view the payment vouchers and related order information in real time to confirm the accuracy of the payments.

In terms of payment collection, the system supports multiple collections to ensure that all payments are properly managed and verified until all payments are fully collected.

In addition, the invoice module is also integrated, providing a convenient invoice management tool for salespersons and finance. Salespersons can fill in the invoice information as needed to request an invoice, and finance copies the invoice content when needed and then issues the invoice. The system will automatically notify the relevant personnel when the invoice is issued and the mailing information is uploaded. This makes the whole invoice processing process more efficient and transparent. At the same time, relevant personnel can check the progress status at any time to ensure that everything is under control.

This feature not only simplifies the complexity of payment management and invoice processing, but also improves the efficiency of team collaboration and ensures the accuracy and timeliness of payment and invoice transactions.

Finance Centre

Enquiry Statistics

Enquiry Statistics is a powerful data support module that provides you with comprehensive data insights.

The module consists of the administrative team uploading the daily number of enquiries and new enquiries per platform, as well as the number of WeChats, contacts and WeChat screenshots uploaded by salespeople. These data can be easily filtered according to time, providing key data to support the phone private domain conversion rate, WeChat private domain conversion rate, conversion rate, enquiry payment conversion rate and so on.

With the enquiry statistics module, it is easy to track daily enquiry activities, understand the performance of salespersons and the trend of conversion rate in different time periods. This helps to optimise sales strategies, improve sales efficiency and ultimately increase successful business conversions!

Enquiry Statistics

Customers on the high seas

When a customer flows into the high seas and needs to be re-claimed, the salesman must fill in the reason for the claim and submit it to the supervisor for review. The customer will be added to the salesman's customer file only after the audit is approved.

In the process of claim application, the system will generate application records, which are stored in the High Seas Application and High Seas Audit Module, so that the supervisor and salesman can check the progress at any time.

After a customer is claimed, the system will set a time limit within which the salesman must complete at least one return visit. If the return visit is not completed within the specified time, the customer will be automatically returned to the high seas.

The system also has a real-time notification function that sends notifications to the relevant personnel to prevent any omissions, whether in key steps such as claim application, approval or return visit reminder. It ensures timely return visits and maintenance of customers, improves customer satisfaction, and improves the management process of customer claiming at the same time.

Customers on the high seas

After-sales module

The after-sales module integrates several after-sales modes, including return for refund, refund without return, return for exchange, and reissue.

In the event of a return, you need to report to your supervisor, filling in the reason for the sale, the amount, the choice of products to be returned or exchanged, and whether to re-upload the invoice. After the application is submitted, it needs to be approved by the supervisor before continuing the after-sale process.

The after-sales processing information of all orders will be clearly displayed in the order information, and the relevant personnel will be notified, so that they can easily check the processing progress.

The system provides multiple filtering functions, including time, status and type, to quickly locate and filter specific after-sales requests, improving the efficiency and traceability of after-sales processing.

This efficient after-sales processing system helps to meet different after-sales needs, streamline the after-sales process, ensure the transparency and timeliness of after-sales information, and improve customer satisfaction.

After-sales module