Ignite Your Digital Sales Journey

In the age of the internet, e-commerce formats range from marketplaces like Amazon, Rakuten, leading independent e-commerce stores like Shopify, to customizable self-built e-commerce systems.

So, which e-commerce model should you choose? Based on factors such as your business experience, product brand awareness, product characteristics, etc., you should select a model or a combination of multiple models.


We Provide a Variety of Combinatorial Services to Guide Your E-commerce Journey

What ignites your e-commerce business?

  • Store decoration services on e-commerce platforms
  • Shopify independent store development services
  • Self-owned NopCommerce e-commerce system
  • Product static or dynamic photography
  • Product release shelving service
  • Product sales copy design

E-commerce Stores

E-commerce marketplaces like Amazon and Rakuten provide a simple and easy-to-use onboarding process and backend operation, along with inherent user traffic, making transactions more likely to occur. This type of platform is suitable for selling fast-moving consumer goods, attracting buyers without the need for excessive brand influence.

However, due to the lack of personalized packaging and the tendency for users to leave after purchase, sellers need to adopt other strategies to increase user retention and loyalty.

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E-commerce Stores

Shopify Independent E-commerce Stores

Shopify is an excellent e-commerce platform with low entry barriers and easy backend operation. At the same time, Shopify provides rich development tools and API interfaces, suitable for sellers to build personalized online stores and enhance product brand value.

If your products are of high quality and personalized, or belong to the retail market, you can open an e-commerce store on Shopify.

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Shopify Independent E-commerce Stores

NopCommerce Independent E-commerce Stores

NopCommerce e-commerce system is a complete control e-commerce solution, allowing developers to customize according to customer needs and have complete control over ownership. This type of platform is suitable for products with strong brand influence or some high-priced product categories.

Although it requires high technical requirements, it provides customers with control functions and a unique user experience.

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NopCommerce Independent E-commerce Stores

Frequently Asked Questions

There's no one-size-fits-all answer to this question. It depends on factors such as product type, sales background, brand influence, etc.

However, there are some guidelines...

  • For startups, establish a presence on marketplaces like Amazon or Rakuten first to grow, then strategize.
  • Shopify is particularly suitable for general consumer markets or certain specific products, allowing you to build a unique online store and enhance brand value.
  • If your products cannot be sold on the Shopify platform, then NopCommerce e-commerce system becomes your only e-commerce option.

Let's ignite your digital journey, Together!

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