  • Updated on 5/19/2024 11:02:17 AM

Why We Chose to Develop Our Own Dignite CMS for Website Building


Actually, the reason we developed Dignite CMS wasn't because we needed a website building system, but because we developed the CMS first, and then started offering website building services. We've been working on Dignite CMS for a long time. Our journey began with the launch of dotnet webforms, continuously gathering experience and making improvements along the way. Last year, we finally open-sourced Dignite CMS, a content management system driven by custom forms.

The Opportunity to Enter the Japanese Market

In September 2022, we established Dignite Inc. in Japan. After more than a year of market research and study, we discovered that the website building market in Japan is huge, and customers have high standards for website quality. Our Dignite CMS is well-suited to meet these market demands, providing support for multi-language and multi-site needs. Moreover, the Dignite team prefers creating genuine and down-to-earth websites, avoiding exaggerated and superficial work, which aligns well with Japanese market preferences. Thus, we launched our Dignite 360 web design service.

What Makes a Good Website?

In our opinion, a good website should have the following features:

1. Unique Visual Style
The UI design of a website should have a distinct style, incorporating the client's brand essence to convey the brand image and core values. This not only tests the ability of UI designers but also the team's understanding of the client's brand and business. We need a CMS that allows flexible customization and unrestricted expression of ideas. Dignite CMS, being a headless CMS driven by content forms, enables developers to freely create unique UIs.

2. Sincere Content Expression
A company's slogan doesn't need to be lengthy but should be classic. One good SLUG  is enough. Using real images from office scenes and production processes, along with simple text, we strive to create a sense of sincerity and groundedness, establishing a genuine connection with users. Dignite CMS's custom form functionality allows for the creation of various content forms, ensuring the flexible presentation of these contents on the website.

3. Outstanding SEO
Search engines are increasingly emphasizing user experience. SEO is not just about technical optimization but is a long-term effort to improve user experience. Dignite CMS offers basic SEO functions, such as SEO form controls, allowing for the writing of SEO content for each page, and customization of Twitter share UI and Google search result presentation, helping company websites improve their search rankings.

4. Multi-Language Support
As an international country, Japanese company websites need to support multiple languages to help users understand their products and services. Dignite CMS supports multi-language features, with each language having an independent URL prefix, making it easier for users to read and enhancing SEO.

5. Additional Support Functions

Sub-Site Functionality: Dignite CMS allows a single tenant to create multiple sub-sites, sharing data but with different administrators for flexible management.

Version Control: Content entries in Dignite CMS support version control, enabling users to manage multiple versions of content. This feature is helpful for new product releases and historical content retrieval.

Tag Helpers: Dignite CMS offers a series of Tag Helpers to simplify the process of data retrieval and presentation, improving development efficiency and making the code more readable, thereby accelerating website development.


The flexibility of Dignite CMS enables us to meet the demands of the Japanese market, helping clients create high-quality, genuine websites with excellent user experiences. Through our Dignite 360 web design service, we are dedicated to providing exceptional website building services, helping businesses stand out in a competitive market.
