  • Updated on 11/5/2023 9:54:00 PM

Resolving the "An Internal Error Has Occurred" Issue in Remote Desktop Connection


Recently, I encountered a frustrating issue when trying to connect to a remote server: the connection failed with the error message "An internal error has occurred." Despite consulting various resources, I couldn't find a solution. Given the high cost of reinstalling the server, I decided to delve deeper into the root cause of the problem.

First, I examined the system logs and eventually identified the problem as being related to the Remote Desktop Services certificate. Surprisingly, the certificate in the Remote Desktop settings had disappeared.

To address this issue, I conducted a series of research activities, including looking up potential solutions and reading Microsoft official documentation. Although Google and ChatGPT provided valuable information, I couldn't find a clear method to manually install the certificate.

Finally, guided by the article on Microsoft's official documentation, I reconfigured the permissions for the "MachineKeys" folder. After restarting the "Remote Desktop Services," I was pleasantly surprised to find that the certificate automatically installed successfully.

The entire process took me a full five hours, but I was relieved that my persistence paid off and the issue was resolved satisfactorily.

I hope that by sharing my experience, I can provide some assistance to others facing similar problems and help them resolve similar technical issues more easily.
